Sesuai surat edaran Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten PALI nomor: 420/709/Disdik-II/2019 tanggal 15 November 2019 tentang Jadwal Pelaksanaan PASG TP 2019/2020, SMP Satap Negeri 8 Talang Ubi menerbitkan SK Pelaksanaan PAS Ganjil dengan lampiran Jadwal Pelaksanaannya adalah sebagai berikut:
Lampiran SK PASG TP 2019/2020 SMP Negeri 8 Talang Ubi Nomor: 421/71-C/SMPN8/TU/2019 :
Lampiran 2: Jadwal PASG Praktik
Lampiran 3: Jadwal PASG Tertulis
Download contoh SK Pelaksanaan PASG di bawah ini:
Do this hack to drop 2 lbs of fat in 8 hours
BalasHapusAt least 160000 women and men are using a easy and SECRET "water hack" to lose 1-2lbs each and every night while they sleep.
It's proven and it works on everybody.
Just follow these easy step:
1) Go grab a drinking glass and fill it half glass
2) Proceed to follow this crazy hack
and be 1-2lbs thinner in the morning!